Xavi Sarrià
After the end of Obrint Pas in 2014, Xavi Sarrià surprised everyone with the release of his album 'Amb l'esperança entre les dents' (Propaganda pel fet! 2017), a work in which he proved his ability to combine emotion, commitment and personality, which remain intact. The album was replicated in 2019 with 4 singles and video clips released: 'Alliberar-nos', 'A ple pulmó', 'Quan ens tornem a abraçar' and 'Com animals salvatges'. In 2020, Sarrià wrote 'No s'apaguen les estreles', the main theme of the soundtrack of the film 'La mort de Guillem' and thus began a compositional process that has led him to publish his new album 'Causa' in 2022, with 10 new pieces that have earned him the delights of the public and critics. Live, Xavi Sarrià captains a powerful electric band that combines to perfection and in a unique and special way different genres ranging from reggae to ska, through hardcore, rock and the best Valencian tradition.
SINCE: 2017HOMETOWN: València
STYLE: rock, ska, reggae & traditional

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Litus Tenesa (+34) 615 27 69 02 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.